Tuesday, March 8, 2011

About Me

Hey there ~

I am a fun loving, Christian, mom of two, wife to one, living in the middle of nowhere in God's Country (Texas).  I enjoy reading, crafting, horseback riding, and gazing off into nowhere contemplating.  This blog is where I can document the different books I read, my thoughts on them, and if I will be reading that book or books by that author in the future.

The standard things I look at when reviewing are:
{fiction books} 
1)  Do I want to read this book again?
2)  Were the characters believeable? 
3)  How predictable was the plot?  
4)  Language/Hanky Panky

{non-fiction books}
1)  Do I want to read this book again?
2)  What style of writing is used?  Readability?
3)  Does the topic uplift or depress the reader?
4)  Is it unique in the viewpoints expressed?

For my craft and family posts, visit: www.TheSpunkyDiva.com

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Thank you for your input! ~Kimberlee